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The content of Solo Traveler and any resources published by Solo Traveler are meant for entertainment and inspiration only.

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Teams are progressively eliminated until three are left at that point, the team that arrives first in the final leg is awarded the grand prize. These challenges are related in some manner to the country wherein they are located or its culture. Contestants travel to and within multiple countries in a variety of transportation modes, including airplanes, hot air balloons, helicopters, trucks, bicycles, taxicabs, cars, trains, buses, boats and by foot. Clues provided in each leg lead the teams to the next destination or direct them to perform a task, either together or by a single member. Contestants strive to arrive first at “Pit Stops” at the end of each leg of the race to win prizes and to avoid coming in last, which carries the possibility of elimination or a significant disadvantage in the following leg. The Amazing Race is a reality television game show in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams. While not a movie about solo travel, or even about solo travel per se, this show has inspired many travelers.

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